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We envision the Virginia Northern Diocese carrying out the Great Commission; "Go and make disciples of all nations" building a growing community of churches throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia, neighboring states, and the world. We envision helping all our people- youth as well as adults in preparing them for leadership roles. We envision a strong bond of unity throughout the Diocese through shared worship and fellowship services, assisting and serving one another in the bond of peace. We envision numerical growth through church planting and a numerical growth of new members in our local churches. We envision that the Diocese will be that place where future leaders are born, spiritual gifts are discovered and put into operation. We envision growth as God prospers us to reach a lost and dying world. We envision the Diocese as a place where the gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed, God is glorified, salvation is obtained for the hurting, the depressed, and the lost will find love, acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness, guidance, and encouragement through the Holy Spirit.
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